Cookie dough is one of those things that, despite being delicious and normally an eyesore, is surprisingly easy to make. Here we will share a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make your own with all the ingredients you could possibly want and how to use them in the most enticing ways you can imagine. Prepare for some cookies that are going to turn heads -and stomachs- as soon as they’re done!

Tips on how to make cookie dough

1. You will first need to gather ingredients

The first thing you’ll need is a bowl and a rubber spatula, or any other item you think can help you in taking the dough out of the bowl. You will also need some oil -fish or vegetable oil is best-, some baking ingredients, and a mixing bowl. The last things you’ll need are cookie sheets and parchment paper. Parchment paper is usually included in every baking kit, but if not, you can always buy it on Amazon.

2. Mixing the dough is easy, too!

First step: put your ingredients (oil, sugar, eggs, and flour) in the mixing bowl and mix them well with a rubber spatula for about two minutes until everything is well combined.

Second step: add your flavorings (nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, and other ingredients you choose to put in) and mix again for 2 minutes.

Third step: if you want to use a mold, now is the right time. If not, take a spoon and start eating. You can also wait a few hours before serving it to really enjoy the cookie dough’s taste.

3. If you want to make chocolate chip cookie dough, you will need to add some chocolate chips!

Chocolate chip cookie dough is a tasty recipe that can be very satisfying because of how easy it is to make. It doesn’t require a mold but it will work better if you use two cookie sheets instead of one. That way, the batter will not go everywhere and your children/friends won’t get bored while waiting for their turn.

You will also have to use half the amount of oil in this recipe because the chocolate chips are going to soak a lot of it. The first thing you should do is put the oil in the bowl and mix them well so they won’t separate.