
Benefits Of Taking Cinnamon Flavored Yeast Waffles

What are cinnamon-flavored yeast waffles?

Cinnamon-flavored yeast waffles are not your typical stack of waffles. They are baked in a dish and stirred into the batter so that they come out on top. This recipe really is a labor of love, but is worth it as these are some of the best-tasting cinnamon-infused treats that you will ever eat! The sugar and butter make them rich without being too heavy. Here are some of the health benefits of these waffles:

1. Cinnamon is an amazing anti-oxidant

When you smell cinnamon you probably think of being sick on a cold winter day. However, cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant which means that it can help slow or prevent the damage caused by free radicals and the signs of aging.

2. Cinnamon contains powerful antioxidants

Cinnamon is rich in a family of phytochemicals called polyphenols. These chemicals help your body to form proteins and enzymes but are also very useful in preventing cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases. The polyphenols in cinnamon can help to prevent cancer and to protect against heart disease. Cinnamaldehyde is particularly powerful in preventing the development of cancer. And because cinnamon is also a great pain reliever, this may be one reason why it has been used for centuries as an herbal poultice to treat wounds and suppurating skin conditions.

3. Cinnamon is a good source of minerals like iron/zinc

Fluoride found in many water sources can be bad for your health. Cinnamon has been proven to help and reverse the damage fluoride can cause, making it a great supplement to your diet.

4. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels

Cinnamon is beneficial for diabetics as it stimulates insulin release from the pancreas and improves the process of carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetics need to exercise great care in their choice of cinnamon supplements; many commercial products contain high levels of sodium benzoate which is toxic for people with diabetes.

Yeast waffles are not just a “fancy” treat. They are incredible pieces of art that can add a lot to your life in addition to giving you peace of mind while eating it. Cinnamon is one of nature’s most wonderful herbs, full of health benefits, and easy to use at home as well. I hope you enjoy this recipe!